Players Online Now:

3 Monate Premium

EUR 25.00

Join Priority & Visual Highlighting

  • + Your NAME now has a GOLDEN COLOR on the server
  • + You have priority! Don't wait any longer, JOIN FULL ROUNDS directly
  • + You can still access the network even if 10000/10000 SLOTS are occupied
  • + You now have 9 exclusive BOOTS with cool EFFECTS in the lobby
  • + You get your own GOLDEN BOOTS in the GOMMUNITY
  • + You can have your GG highlighted in color at the end of a game with the command /color


  • + /sort command, for very quick and super easy sorting of your inventory
  • + /sign command to sign each item with its own message
  • + Write bold in the chat to stand out even more
  • + Customizable welcome message that is displayed to every player when they enter your plot
  • + /rename command to rename any items
  • + /rand command to embellish the outside of your plot
  • + /hat command, to put on many different free hats - Put on the item from your inventory
  • + /skull command to get free heads (of any name) once a week
  • + /hologram command to create your own holograms on your plot
  • + /settime command to adjust your time
  • + /plot online command to see who is online on your plot
  • + 30 instead of 15 plot members
  • + One extra guild member slot
  • + One monthly Premium box
  • + An exclusive Premium particle effect (Trail)
  • + 1 additional production slot for talismans
  • + 6.5% less production costs for talismans
  • + Up to 16% less combination costs for talismans


  • + You receive a permanent 50% booster while you are online
  • + You have 3 profile slots at your disposal
  • + You can save up to 1,000 boosters per profile

Additional benefits & permissions

  • + You can TEXT and CHAT in the SERVER LOBBY
  • + Your PARTY can now hold a total of 10 PLAYERS
  • + You can use 2 lines for /SETSTATUS
  • + You can redeem DOUBLE the number of COINS in the "Daily Reward"
  • + You can create and manage a PUBLIC PARTY
  • + You increase the number of PLAYER SLOTS in your CLAN by 2 with your RANK
  • + You can define a STANDARD-KIT individually for each map (in SkyWars and Endergames)
  • + You can play an INFINITE number of FunClanWars every day
  • + You can SAVE up to 21 REPLAYS
  • + You can now send 3 broadcast messages per day to your friends

Your rank becomes visible here

  • + You receive your PREMIUM RANK on our TEAMSPEAK³ server
  • + You get ACCESS to the exclusive PREMIUM AREA on our TEAMSPEAK³ server
  • + You receive the PREMIUM RANK on our Discord
  • + You receive the PREMIUM RANK in the forum
3 Monate Premium

- Guaranteed immediate delivery
- eMail Support
Secure payment processing
- Leading MC network in Europe
- 99%+ Uptime in last 12 years

With premium you can always play with your friends and don't have to wait, to join a gameserver or the network. Also you become an active donator that makes our community possible <3